Wednesday, September 9, 2009


On September 11th I will remember the attacks on U.S. citizens by radical Islamists. I will remember more than just the September 11, 2001 attacks that brought down the World Trade Center. I will remember the attack on the Pentagon and, I will remember the real American Hero’s who caused the aborted attack that ended in Shanksville Pennsylvania. If Islamists would like to atone for their violence through community service or participating in a World Day of Service they are welcome, but I will remember.

Approximately 3,000 lives were lost in the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. The number of dead at the Pentagon and on the hijacked airliners numbered approximately 385. Since Yasser Arafat "renounced" violence in the Oslo Peace Accords on September 13, 1993, at least 53 Americans have been murdered and at least another 83 Americans have been injured by Palestinian terrorists. Excluding the September 11 attacks, approximately 700 Americans have been killed and 1,600 wounded in terrorist attacks since 1970.

Because September 11th is such a tragic day I will use it to remember a lot of other days that need remembering. For instance, I will remember June 5, 1968 and the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, a United States Senator, by a Palestinian immigrant.

I will remember March 28 and 29, 1970 when seven rockets were fired at U.S. interests in Beirut Lebanon by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

I will remember September 5, 1972 and the attack at the Olympic Games in Munich Germany when a front group for Fatah killed a weightlifter from Cleveland Ohio.

I will remember November 4, 1979 when the Iranian radicals seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and held 53 hostages for 444 days.

I will remember October 23, 1983 when a Hizballah drove a vehicle borne improvised explosive device into U.S. Marine headquarters in Beirut Lebanon killing 241 marines.

I will remember April 5, 1986 when a nightclub in Berlin that was frequented by American soldiers was the target of a bombing where an American soldier was killed and 41 soldiers wounded, carried out by Libyans.

I will remember January 25, 1993 when a Pakistani gunman opened fire on CIA employees standing outside of a building killing two agents and wounding three others.

I will remember February 26, 1993 when a bomb exploded in the parking garage below the World Trade Center killing six and wounding 1,042. Four Islamist activists were responsible for the attack.

I will remember October 12, 2000 when the U.S.S. Cole was hit with an explosives laden boat in an al-Qaida operation killing 13 American sailors and injuring 33.

I will remember because some would have us forget. Some would rather we not remember that all of these attacks were operations of Islamist extremists carrying out their plan over a 40 year period. I will remember September 11th like I remember December 7th as a sneak attack by enemies of the United States, but I will remember far more than the day.