Monday, March 15, 2010


When will we all wake up and see what is going on? We acknowledge the signs of what is happening but we really don’t connect the dots very well. We don’t connect one action with another let alone link three, four or five incidents together. We don’t want to believe our elected officials are really bad people. Oh, we will say they are inept or dumb or out of touch but we will not believe they would purposely hurt us. But they will.

I have written my Congressman and Senators and I’ve heard back from them. The bottom line is they don’t care about what we, the citizens want. I asked Senator Specter, last December, not to support the health care reform bill in front of him. He sent me a canned message three months later, just like Senator Casey and Congressman Doyle. His support for the current health care legislation is even more encompassing that what is already on the table. He looks at this legislation as only the beginning of health care reform. He believes that it may take a few more bills over the next few years to expand government health care and elevate it to a right of all citizens. That’s code for socialized medicine.

Senator Specter wants health care to become a right and he wants that health care to include abortion. That’s not all, by supporting the current legislation he supports reducing Medicare costs, that’s code for reducing benefits. That means take health care away from senior citizens. Senator Casey, in his response said the bill slashes hundreds of billions from Medicare to fund a new government program, cuts to hospitals, nursing homes, and hospices that care for senior citizens. That is code for euthanasia. He went on to say the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated that health care reform will cost $871 billion over the next ten years and is projected to reduce the federal deficit by $132 billion during the same period. None of them mention the additional taxes we are going to pay to fund the trillion dollar cost.

I do not believe that abortion is health care and I do not believe euthanasia is health care. My representatives do not support my beliefs. My President wants a health care bill on his desk by the end of the week and insists he will get it.

I’ve got a suggestion for all those elected officials who say this health care bill will work as good as they say it will. If you are so sure that you can make our health care system better, start by; funding the already existing veterans hospitals so they can take care of all of our veterans, totally fund the Veterans Administration to take care of Gulf War Syndrome, totally fund the Veterans Administration to take care of our Atomic Vets, totally fund the Veterans Administration to take care of our Agent Orange Vets, totally fund Tri-Care (military health insurance) for active duty and retired veterans that can be used in any health care facility in the United States, and while you’re at it reduce the wait time for the 90,000 veterans still waiting for their cases to be rated.

It is time we all say no to socialism and let freedom ring. We need to take our country back from this type of politician. They are a cancer to our liberty and freedom. The door bell is ringing gentlemen, it’s time you get out of our house.